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Are Computers Still a Bicycle for the Mind?

Steve Jobs had an enormous appreciation for the computer, believing it was the greatest human invention, and he commonly likened it to a bicycle for our minds. Here he is in one such explanation of this analogy:

He refined his delivery over the years, but the underlying analogy was always the same. The bicycle dramatically increases the efficiency of human locomotion, and likewise the computer dramatically increases the efficiency of human thought. While that is still the case when computers, the Internet, and increasingly Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are used as tools to leverage our innate abilities to solve huge, complex problems, they can also become other things for the mind that are not so useful. We are seeing it happen more and more that as computers proliferate, shrink in size, and become more convenient and ubiquitous, they stop being treated as a tool and start being treated as a toy or simply as a distraction. Maybe computers are becoming less like a bicycle for the mind and more like something else.

Explore Simple Game Algorithms with Color Walk: Part 12

We've now been exploring and discussing game algorithms using the simple game Color Walk for months over the course of 11 posts. We started out extremely simple with random and round-robin algorithms, advanced to some obvious greedy algorithms, and wound up discussing a number of graph algorithms. We've discovered a ton of stuff along the way, so it would be nice to step back and review the ground we've covered to see the big picture in all of the experimentation and details of the various algorithms we found along the way.